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2. Research, Publication and Conference


Book - Innovation and Application of Eng


Book - Innovation and Application of Eng


•FRGS, RMI, UiTM (2019 – 2022)

       Principal-Researcher, A Road Design Framework Model incorporating               Road User Behaviors for Critical Road Networks. (RM94,900)


•Contract Research from SCANIA MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. (2016 – 2018) 

       Principal-Researcher, Research on Pilot Study of High Capacity  

       Buses in Malaysia PHASE 1. (RM51,858.89)


•Contract Research from MALAYSIAN HIGHWAY AUTHORITY. (2015 – 2018)

       Co-Researcher, Development of Toll Rates Decision Model for   

       Highway. (RM232,788.72)


•Contract Research from PRASARANA MALAYSIA BHD. (2015 – 2017)

       Principal-Researcher, GSI Survey for Prasarana Group of

       Companies. (RM140,431.45)


•FRGS, RMI, UiTM (2014 – 2017)

       Co-Researcher, The Effect of Moisture Damage on the Water

       Sensitivity due to Moisture Damage of Warm Porous Asphalt

       Mix. (RM115,550)


•PRGS, RMI, UiTM (2012 – 2015)

       Co-Researcher, Development of Prototype for 3D User

       Interactive Ergonomic Highway Design and Performance

       Software. (RM386,000)


•ERGS, RMI, UiTM (2012 – 2014)

       Principal-Researcher, An Exploration of Driving Simulator

       towards Malaysian Driver Behaviour. (RM80,000)


•FRGS, RMI, UiTM (2012 – 2014)

       Co-Researcher, Axial Load and Road Condition Relationship

       Model. (RM80,000)


•Dana Kecemerlangan, RMI, UiTM (2011 – 2013)

       Co-Researcher, Visual Analysis of Pedestrian Movement: Using

       Tracking Technologies in Shopping Mall. (RM10,000)


•FRGS, RMI, UiTM (2010 – 2013)

       Principal-Researcher, Safety, Ergonomic and Effectiveness

       Evaluation of Speed Hump Design. (RM50,000)


•Dana Kecemerlangan, RMI, UiTM (2008 – 2010)

       Principal-Researcher, Exploration of Video Taping and Data

       Reduction at Weaving Section of Malaysian Conventional 

       Roundabout in Shah Alam City. (RM10,000)


•Baharum S., Haron S., Ismail I. & Md Diah J. (2019) - Urban Bus Service    Quality through Sustainable Assessment Model. ISSN: 2050-7399 International Journal of Supply Chain Management  (IJSCM), Vol. 8.


•Md Diah, J., Li Sian, T. and Roslee, F. (2019). “An Overview of Lane Changing Model at Signalized Intersection.” ISSN: 1675-7017, Social and Management Research Journal.


•Md Diah, J., Mohd Sharif, S., Wan Mohamed, W. M., Osmin, M. S., Hamidun, N. Q. A. (2017). “Long Bus Vehicle Rear Swing Out Impact Assessment Using On-Board Video Camera.” ISSN: 2050-7399, International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), Vol. 6.


•Osmin, M. S., Md Diah, J., Mohd Sharif, S. (2017). “The Opportunities and Challenges Overview: Implementing Performance Based Standards Regulation for High Capacity Passenger Vehicle in Malaysia.” Journal of the Society of Automative Engineers Malaysia (JSAEM) (eISSN: 2550-2239 – Vol. 1, Issue 3, Sept. 2017.


•Khabiri M.M., Elahizadeh, M., and Md Diah, J., (2016). “Statistical Analysis of Two-lane Roundabout Data for Traffic Control Decision-Making in an Urban Area”, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 4, issue 1, Summer 2016, pp. 27-39.


•Ahmad Kamil Arshad, Md Diah J., Salah Khalil (2013). “Modelling Workability of Asphalt concrete Performance at different Temperatures using A Statistical Model.” International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET).


•Md Diah, J., Ahmad, J., and Mukri, M. (2012). “The Methodology on Statistical Analysis of Data Transformation for Model Development.” International Journal of Statistics and Applications. Scientific & Academic Publishing. pp. 94-100.


•Zainuddin, I., Adnan, M.A., and Md Diah, J. (2012). “Optimization of Speed Hump Geometric Design: Case Study on Residential Streets in Malaysia.” .” Journal of Transportation Engineering, March 2014 | Volume 140, Issue 3


•Abdul Hamid, N., Zainuddin, A., Sham, R., and Md Diah, J., (2011). “Enhancing the Promotional Strategies of Park -and -Ride Schemes in Kuala Lumpur Conurbation: A Gap Analysis.” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.9, 2011.


•Md Diah, J., Abdul Rahman, M. Y., Adnan M. A., and Hooi Ling, K., (2011) “Modeling the Relationship between Geometric Design and Weaving Section Flow Process of Conventional Roundabouts.” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 137, No. 12, December 1, 2011. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-947X/.


•Md Diah J., Abdul Rahman M.Y, Adnan M.A and Atan I. (2010), Weaving Section Flow Model at Weaving Area of Malaysian Conventional Roundabout, Journal of Transportation Engineering. August 2010. Volume 136, Number 8, Pg. 782-792. ISSN 0733-947X.

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